How to Deal With a Lusty Puppy
Many pet owners inadvertently provide positive reinforcement for undesired canine behavior by paying too much attention to their pets when they are behaving badly. If leg humping leads to continual scolding, petting, holding, etc., the dog will learn to start humping any time he craves attention. lusty puppy
When your puppy starts exhibiting leg humping behavior, it's important to sternly command him to stop. If he doesn't stop immediately, the next step is to isolate him from everyone else. Put him outside or in another room. With time, this will teach your puppy that acting on his humping urges will cause him to be completely cut off from the attention he craves.
By physically removing the dog from the company of the other members of the household when he starts leg humping, you're sending the message that such behavior leads to no attention, which he won't like. This type of behavior modification training can be very effective over time, because most canines will learn to avoid behavior that causes them to be isolated. If you are careful to avoid accidentally reinforcing this behavior in your pet, it's likely that the behavior will go away on its own over time.
Animal Training dogs is a complex and responsible deal, which must be thoroughly prepared. Initial phase of Animal Training puppy is teaching him to the knowledge of its owner and nickname. Klicka dogs should not be very widespread, and easily vocable calls. Q nicknamed puppies taught, beginning with the month of age. The best way to deal with this walk, whistle up the puppy, and if he would, give him delicacy. Nickname should make in the draft-and not distort the intonation. Usually dogs used to quickly and vividly nicknames react to them.
Dog-collar beginning to wear a puppy from about two months. Before dress, it gives dogs to sniff around that it is not afraid of procedure. Dog-collar should not pressure, is required to be invisible and easy. The first time he wear during eating or playing (lusty puppy). Next you need to make it in the hands of a street and walk on to a familiar place. Returning home, Dog-collar dress, and must be removed only at the time of the next feeding. After a certain number of such procedures puppy begins to substitute itself for Dog-collar head to eat and immediately go around.
After several months of life becomes very frisky puppy and may cause it to the road, so you want to start on a long walk a leash. Choose leash and long lasting, and transparently pristegivayut his dog to Dog-collar. After this, you will make the puppy ran for volochaschimsya master with a leash. Played thus leash otstegivayut that to fasten it may take some time. After several days, a dog will cease to be afraid of a leash, and it can be shortened to start. After each shortening, puppy give more delicacy and craft. It can not be applied to punish a dog leash.
Q namordniku dog taught to five months. He picked up the dog's head size. Before wear muzzle, a dog should smell it, and then putting it in the delicacy, slowly start to wear. (lusty puppy) After a few minutes, remove and muzzle repeat the procedure several times a day, gradually increasing the time to wear it.
In order to teach the puppy to sit quietly, "command" Sitting need to give clear and calm voice. This hand with refreshments and lift up a little earlier. Dogs raise the head and runs. Once it does, the command said, "Okay" spoken gentle voice and give food. After examining the exercises at home, it will be possible to do it in the street, but after a while, after the command simply poglazhivat dog.
Jau command "Sitting" are beginning to examine the command "Lay". Holding delicacy in the right hand, left foot and sitting dog holku press for not giving her stand, a hand with the treat lower down and forward, "Guff taalong." After the team will vyuchena sitting of the situation are beginning to study it at a distance meter, constantly increasing.
Teach puppy stand on the team are starting to five months, after examining the commands "Sitting" and "Lay". Seated puppy give the command "stand" and raise him in the abdomen. Once the puppy stood up and treat it gladyat. If he tries again to sit down, you must adhere hand for the stomach, not allowing him to do so, and again, repeating the command "stand". After studying the teams are starting from the train to carry out its provisions and bedridden over a long distance.
After examination of the basic commands, you can start to train any other. Their study will be easier because the dog already will have experience of training.lusty puppy
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Friday, February 1, 2008
lusty puppy
11:33 AM
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